Many of you may have noticed the button for the Global PVP feature in game, and that is says that it is coming very soon! Our best guess is that it will be coming early next week if everything goes smoothly. Along with the Global PVP feature, there is another smaller feature that will be coming along with it. It is called The Slot Machine(I will talk abaut that feature later). So without a further ado, let’s get the sneak peak at this new feature!

As we stated in our previous post on the Global PVP, we said that with this feature that you will be able to “challenge” or invade another player who may not necessarily be your neighbor in the game. You will be able to innitiate the attack from a new building, that we think will be called “The War Room” (This isn’t the official name yet however).
Along with the new building, there are also a few new decorations that are very similar to the Bronze, Silver, and Gold Trophies won in the Leaderboards. They are Globe Trophies, that we believe you will earn via a possible new leaderboard, from Invading so many people in Global PVP, or maybe even from the possible Slot Machine addition.